
Issue Title
Vol 1, No 4 (2015) Software development for estimation of optical clearing agent’s diffusion coefficients in biological tissues Abstract  PDF
Pedro Peixoto, Luís Oliveira, Maria Inês Carvalho, Elisabete Nogueira, Valery V. Tuchin
Vol 2, No 4 (2016) Optical properties of human nails in THz frequency range Abstract  PDF
Victoria A. Guseva, Sviatoslav I. Gusev, Petr S. Demchenko, Egor A. Sedykh, Mikhail K. Khodzitsky
Vol 2, No 4 (2016) Wavelength dependence of the refractive index of human colorectal tissues: comparison between healthy mucosa and cancer Abstract  PDF
Sónia Carvalho, Nuno Gueiral, Elisabete Nogueira, Rui Henrique, Luís Oliveira, Valery V. Tuchin
Vol 3, No 4 (2017): Biophotonics Technologies Water Content and Scatterers Dispersion Evaluation in Colorectal Tissues Abstract  PDF
Isa Carneiro, Sónia Carvalho, Rui Henrique, Luís Oliveira, Valery V. Tuchin
Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Laser and optical technologies in biomedicine and ecology Estimation of dehydration of skin by refractometric method using optical clearing agents Abstract  PDF
Ekaterina N. Lazareva, Polina A. Dyachenko (Timoshina), Alla B. Bucharskaya, Nikita A. Navolokin, Valery V. Tuchin
Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Laser and optical technologies in biomedicine and ecology Average refractive index of tendon as a function of water content Abstract  PDF
Marina E. Shvachkina, Dmitry D. Yakovlev, Alexander B. Pravdin, Dmitry A. Yakovlev
Vol 9, No 1 (2023) Highly Stable 11-MUA Capped Gold Nanobipyramid for Refractive Index Sensing Abstract  PDF
Prajna N. Deviprasada, Rajeev K. Sinha
Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Laser and optical technologies in biomedicine and ecology Optical Properties of Glycated and Non-Glycated Hemoglobin – Raman/Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Refractometry Abstract  PDF
Ekaterina N. Lazareva, Andrey Y. Zyubin, Natalya I. Dikht, Alla B. Bucharskaya, Ilya G. Samusev, Vasily A. Slezhkin, Vyacheslav I. Kochubey, Valery V. Tuchin
Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Laser and optical technologies in biomedicine and ecology Blood refractive index modelling in the visible and near infrared spectral regions Abstract  PDF
Ekaterina N. Lazareva, Valery V. Tuchin
Vol 6, No 2 (2020): Years in Biophotonics: 60-th Anniversary of Profs. I. V. Minin and O. V. Minin UV-NIR efficiency of the refractive index matching mechanism on colorectal muscle during treatment with different glycerol osmolarities Abstract  PDF
Nelma Gomes, Valery V. Tuchin, Luís M. Oliveira
Vol 7, No 2 (2021) Estimation of Rabbit Pancreas Dispersion Between 400 and 1000 nm Abstract  PDF
Inês Martins, Hugo Silva, Valery V. Tuchin, Luís Oliveira
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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