Optical Properties of Perfused Rat Liver Tissues

Ksenia Kandurova (Login required)
Orel State University, Russia

Alexander Palalov
Orel State University, Russia

Evgeniya Seryogina
Orel State University, Russia

Viktor Dremin
Orel State University, Russia

Andrey Dunaev
Orel State University, Russia

Elena Potapova
Orel State University, Russia

Paper #3561 received 28 Oct 2022; revised manuscript received 29 Nov 2022; accepted for publication 30 Nov 2022; published online 9 Dec 2022.

DOI: 10.18287/JBPE23.09.010301


In this work, we demonstrate the results of measuring the optical properties of rat liver tissue slices after the liver itself underwent the perfusion procedure with an isotonic solution. The approach is suggested as a means to attenuate the influence of blood absorption on recorded characteristics and demonstrates its effectiveness in changing the composition of recorded spectra in the visible range. The data obtained seem promising to be used to upgrade the proposed methodology and apply the results for the diagnosis and modeling of light-tissue interaction in liver under healthy and pathological conditions.



liver; perfusion; optical properties; spectrophotometry

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