Thermal effect in laser perforation of liver

Olga I. Baum (Login required)
Institute of Photonic Technologies, Federal Scientific Research Centre ‘Crystallography and Photonics’ of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Troitsk), Russia

Alexander K. Dmitriev
Institute of Photonic Technologies, Federal Scientific Research Centre ‘Crystallography and Photonics’ of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Troitsk), Russia

Vladimir N. Kortunov
Institute of Photonic Technologies, Federal Scientific Research Centre ‘Crystallography and Photonics’ of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Troitsk), Russia

Olga A. Tiflova
Institute of Photonic Technologies, Federal Scientific Research Centre ‘Crystallography and Photonics’ of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Troitsk), Russia

Valery A. Ulyanov
Institute of Photonic Technologies, Federal Scientific Research Centre ‘Crystallography and Photonics’ of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Troitsk), Russia

Paper #3288 received 11 Apr 2018; revised manuscript received 25 May 2018; accepted for publication 25 May 2018; published online 17 Jun 2018.

DOI: 10.18287/JBPE18.04.020302


One of the trends in the development of modern regeneration medicine is the application of high-intensity laser radiation for deep perforation of biological tissues, stimulating the regeneration of structure and functions of the pathologically changed tissues. In the paper, the possibility to control the location and parameters of the biotissue thermal stimulation zones is studied theoretically and experimentally, depending on the conditions of laser perforation in application to the liver laser-induced regeneration problem. The results of numerical simulation revealed the basic trends in the behaviour of the thermal stimulation zone, which are in good agreement with the experimental data on laser perforation of soft biotissues ex vivo using an optical fibre.


fibre laser; perforation; liver; regeneration; thermal fields

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